The Orthodox Church views education as being much more comprehensive than mere schooling. Scripture tells us to raise our children in the nurture—paideia—and admonition of the Lord. Needless to say, this task is not one that any school could reasonably claim as its province alone, but schools can be structured in their content and in their methods to complement the broader project of Christian paideia. This hope led Christians throughout the centuries to establish schools they deemed compatible with the proper formation of young people, and today, this same hope is moving more and more Orthodox Christians across America to do the same.
To conduct these schools in a manner that is both faithful and responsible, we must be rooted in principles that will keep us consistent with our faith, while also acquiring the practical skills that will keep our lamps trimmed and burning. The Orthodox School Association wishes to support such efforts by providing a network of schools, curricular resources, professional development opportunities, and conferences that are specific to the needs and concerns of Orthodox Christian educators.