2013 Diocesan Pastoral Conference

Registration for the 2013 Diocesan Pastoral Conference

December 28, 2012

The dates are February 4th through 7th.  Diocesan Council members need to arrive so that they can attend the Diocesan Council retreat beginning on Tuesday at 9:00 AM.  All clergy need to arrive in time to attend the first session which is at 3:00 PM on Tuesday the 5th.  Closing prayers are scheduled to end at 2:00 PM at Thursday the 7th.  Please do not plan to leave the conference before then.

Here is the link to the hotel for the conference, when you click on it the discount code will come up in the proper field.  

I have attached the registration forms and conference schedule as both PDF and DOCX files.  Please complete one registration form for each parish (include retired and or attached priests in the form), and one form for each diocesan council member. Please send the completed form back to Ms Anya Gill (anyagill@yahoo.com).

During the conference sessions on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning, Milos will hold sessions on DOS Finances with the Diocesan Council.

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