2018 Diocesan Pastoral Conference

The Most Rev. Alexander

Clergy of the Diocese of the South

Diocesan Council Members

Christ is in our midst!

Holy Resurrection is happy to host the OCA Diocese of the South annual Pastoral Conference February 12-15, 2018.

Location – Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church, 414 East College St., Clinton, Mississippi 39056- Directions 

Conference Schedule http://www.holyres.net/pastoral-conference-schedule/

Register for the Conference https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oca-diocese-of-the-south-pastoral-conference-2018-tickets-40952688594

Book Hotel Room http://hamptoninn.hilton.com/en/hp/groups/personalized/J/JANCTHX-CC1-20180210/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG  – If there are any problems booking the hotel, please contact Michaela Staskiewicz – mstaskiewicz@helmsbriscoe.com or text 404 578 8522

Airport – JAN

Our guest speaker – Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon 

This and other information related to the Conference may be seen at www.holyres.net/pastoral-conference

For if you have questions or problems, email Paula Sartor paulakss@comcast.net or me.

I am Yours in Christ,

Fr. Paul Yerger 
Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church
Clinton, Mississippi
601 497-5093


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