October 2013 News

Faith and Belief in a One-Story Universe

October 24, 2013

(Greenville, SC)

DOS South Central Deanery Meeting

October 21, 2013

(St Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral, Dallas, TX)

Meeting and Special Presentations 

The clergy of the Southcentral (Dallas) Deanery of the Diocese of the South will conduct its fall meeting at St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral in Dallas, Texas, Wednesday and Thursday, October 30 and 31, 2013.

In conjunction with the gathering will be two public presentations by Archpriest John Erickson, former Dean of St. Vladimir Orthodox Theological Seminary, in Crestwood, New York.

On Wednesday evening, October 30, at 7 pm Fr. John will speak on, “Christian Tradition in a Post Modern World.”  His 12 noon presentation that same day carries a provocative title:  “Does Christian Marriage Have a Future?”  Here Fr. John will explore aspects of marriage that challenge Orthodox Christians each day.  Members of the Church are certainly invited to this mid-day gathering, but will be asked to leave after the noon lecture for an informal Q & A between Fr. John and clergy.  This talk will be held at the Cathedral as well.

About The Presenter: 

Fr. John H. Erickson is thePeter N. Gramowich Professor of Church History, Emeritus, and former Dean of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood NY, where he taught from 1973 until his retirement to Tucson, Arizona, in 2009.

His publications include The Challenge of Our Past: Essays in Orthodox Church History and Canon Law;  The Quest for Unity: Orthodox and Catholics in Dialogue;  Orthodox Christians in America: A Brief History;  as well as over sixty published articles and book chapters.

Since retiring, Fr. John has kept busy with speaking engagements and with serving assignments throughout the Southwest.  As needed, he also gives a 14-unit online course in church history as part of the Diaconal Vocations Program of the Orthodox Church in America.


A Brief Summary of the 7 pm, October 30th Presentation:

Cultural historians, social theorists, philosophers, literary critics and many others refer to our world today as “postmodern.”  They do so to call attention to a cultural shift that is as far-reaching as it is profound.  Much of what the “modern world” took for granted is now being called into question.  Suspect, among other things, is the metanarrative, the big story, the “totalizing narrative schema” that claims to present transcendent and universal truth.  In this new cultural context, what place is there for the “big story” offered by historic Christianity?  What word of hope does Christian Tradition have to offer men and women today, who are skeptical about the claims and promises of the past and at the same time anxious about the future?

For more information please contact St. Seraphim Cathedral and Fr. Gerasim (Eliel) at (530 ) 921 1567, or Fr. Basil Zebrun at (817) 294-0325.  You may also visit the Cathedral website at: www.stseraphim.org.


Nativity Retreat with Abbess Gabriella

October 21, 2013

(The Woodlands, TX)

St. Raphael held its first Slavic Festival!

October 21, 2013

(Iverness, FL)

St. Raphael Church held its first Slavic Festival on October 12th.  From all reports, it was very well received!  A few words on the event from Fr. David Balmer, Rector at St Raphael:

St.Raphael Church in Inverness, Fl. celebrated its first Slavic Festival on Saturday, October 12th.  Featured were prepared ethnic foods, baked goods, crafts plus Orthodox books and items from the bookstore.  The church grounds and hall were packed with people and cars from 10am until mid afternoon.  Tours of the church were also very popular.  The overall feeling in the parish is that the value of this type of person-to-person engagement with the community is much more important than the items sold.


Here are a few pictures from the event!

..and make her memory to be eternal…

October 15, 2013


In Memoriam:  Sister Elizabeth MacLaughlin

Kemp, TX (OCA)


Sister Elizabeth MacLaughlin of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Monastery fell asleep in the Lord on Monday, October 14, 2013. She had waged a valiant battle with cancer.   Sister Elizabeth was tonsured as a monastic at the Monastery on July 27, 2010, on the feast day of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.   The Divine Liturgy and Funeral are scheduled to be celebrated at the Saint Nicholas Chapel at the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Monastery, Kemp, TX on Wednesday, October 16 beginning at 9:30 a.m.


The Sisters of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Monastery request your prayers for Sister Elizabeth as she stands before the dread judgment seat of Christ.   May Sister Elizabeth’s memory be eternal!

2014 OCMC Mission Team Opportunities Now Available!!!

October 7, 2013


OCMC’s 2014 Short-Term Mission Team opportunities are now available! All Orthodox Christians seeking to share in a journey of faith and fulfill the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ are invited to participate on OCMC Orthodox Mission Teams. The upcoming year’s teams are:


Alaska – Youth ministry (Ouzinkie) July 18 – July 27 Albania – Mission Institute (Tirana) (TBD) Albania – Youth ministry (Shen Vlash) March 10 – March 17 Albania – Children’s Home of Hope youth ministry (Shen Vlash) June 16 – July 1 Albania – Womens’ retreats (Tirana) August 11 – August 24 Ghana – Teaching; celebrate the 25-year anniversary (Accra and Peki) August 2 – August 16 Guatemala – Hogar Rafael Ayau youth ministry (San Miguel del Lago) July 10 –July 21, Kenya – Evangelism (Turkana) March 8 – March 16 Kenya – Teaching (Nairobi) June 4 – June 14 Kenya – Church construction, catechism, & health care (Turkana/Lokichaar) June 17 – July 1and June 24 – July 11 Moldova – Womens’ retreats (Orhei) April 28 – May 6 Moldova – Youth camp (Orhei) July 12 – July 23 Tanzania – Health care outreach (Bukoba) February 3 – February 14 and May 12 – May 23 Tanzania – Clergy retreats (Bukoba) October 27 – November 8 Uganda – Stewardship training (Kampala) October 27 – November 8 Uganda – Health care and education (Gulu) August 18 – August 30 and August 26 – September 8


Teaching Offer a living witness of Orthodoxy through evangelism, religious education, seminars, Bible studies, and retreats. Share the Orthodox Faith with youth, adults, catechumens, clergy, ministry leaders, and the faithful. Clergy, students, teachers, seminarians, youth leaders, Sunday school teachers, and Bible study leaders are urged to apply.


Evangelism Preach the Gospel of Christ through evangelism in cross-cultural environments,offering the opportunity to hear and embrace the Good News. Live as Orthodox witnesses so others may come to know the saving love of Christ.


Construction Provide labor and service on a building project while working with members of a local Orthodox community to help construct churches in growing Orthodox communities. Construction experience is welcomed, but not necessary.


Youth Camp Serve as an example of God’s love by engaging youth around the world through offering religious education, Bible studies, sports, arts and crafts, teaching activities, camps, and fellowship. Those willing to work with youth and young adults are encouraged to apply – camp counselors, teachers, youth ministry directors, and students.


Health Care Provide a holistic witness to the Gospel by ministering to physical needs and offering health education in regions where medical services are scarce. Health personnel – doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, counselors, HIV/AIDS specialists, therapists – are especially needed.


This is your opportunity for early registration! Participation costs and full team descriptions will be coming soon. Apply online at http://www.ocmc.org. Contact Andrew Lekos by phone at 1-877-GO FORTH (463-6784), or by e-mail at teams@ocmc.org, for more information.

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