Inter-Orthodox Youth Conference – January 27-29, 2011

(Dallas, TX)  The 2011 Orthodox Camp and Youth Worker Conference will be held here on January 27-29 at St. Seraphim Cathedral.  The Conference Theme will be “Equipping the Saints” and will be led by Archimandrite Meletios (Webber).

The annual event is held in an effort to provide Orthodox clergy and laity desiring to provide the best possible camping and youth ministry experience for their parish, deanery or diocese.

The conference will be a multi-faceted gathering including worship, education and fellowship.  Archimandrite Meletios, the Abbot of St. John the Wonderworker Monastery in Manton, CA. will present on the topics: “Our Own Thoughts – Does Self Get in The Way?”, “Holy Thoughts to Replace Unholy Thoughts”, “Remove Self – Replace with Christ”,

In additional to the presentations by Archimandrite Meletios breakout groups will work on ways to overcome challenges and best practices to keep improving youth ministries.

For more information and to register, click here.

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