17th All American Council
September 25, 2012
Dear Faithful of the Diocese of the South,
As everyone is certainly aware, the Orthodox Church in America is preparing to meet in Parma, OH, to nominate a new metropolitan. Please see the letter from Archbishop Nathaniel here (pages 3 and 4), for prayerful reflection for the upcoming council. This is a one day, one item meeting, and the delegates from each parish and mission are strongly encouraged to participate in this 17th All-American Council.
In Christ,
Fr. Marcus Burch, Chancellor
OCA Youth and Young Adults YouTube Challenge
September 19, 2012
See this article for more information on this exciting challenge from the OCA Dept of Youth and Young Adults.
New Petitions for the Litany of Fervant of Supplication
September 19, 2012 – UPDATED
Please see this article from oca.org for the four petitions for the election of a Metropolitan to be used in the Divine Services until the AAC in Parma this November.
Below is a translation of the petitions into Spanish, courtesy of the Diocese of Mexico, in case anyone needs them.
Además te suplicamos, Señor Dios nuestro Todopoderoso y Eterno, Fuente de toda sabiduría y entendimiento, estés con nosotros mientras nos preparamos para reunirnos en Concilio, para que en nuestro afán de servirte y glorificarte, seamos iluminados con un buen juicio y buenos propósitos para la edificación de tu Santa Iglesia y tu eterna gloria, te rogamos, que nos escuches y tengas piedad…
De nuevo suplicamos, Señor Dios nuestro, dador de todo bien, mira con favor a tu Iglesia, bendice y guía nuestras mentes y corazones, y concédenos que por la gracia de tu Santísimo Espíritu se incremente nuestra fe y entendimiento, para que con vigilia, ayuno y oración nos preparemos para la santa labor de este Concilio Electoral, te rogamos, que nos escuches y tengas piedad…
Además te suplicamos, Señor Dios nuestro, que envíes tu Espíritu Santo sobre nosotros y guíes nuestras mentes y corazones para que, siendo inspirados por tus santos dones de descernimiento y entendimiento, podamos saber y hacer tu santa voluntad en la elección de un Metropolitano para nuestra Santa Iglesia en Norte América, te rogamos, que nos escuches y tengas piedad…
De nuevo te suplicamos, Señor Dios nuestro, que en tu santo y providencial cuidado hacia nosotros, nos elijas a un Metropolitano con sabiduría, entendimiento, santidad para cooperar con la labor del Santo Sínodo, los pastores y los fieles de nuestra Santa Iglesia, para que juntos podamos ser esa luz en la lámpara y la sal para la tierra laborando conjuntamente con amor servil a Cristo Dios nuestro y también los unos a los otros, te rogamos, que nos escuches y tengas piedad…
St. Vladimirs Festival October 6th Explores Judeo-Christian Themes in Literature
September 11, 2012
YONKERS, NY [SVOTS Communications] Enter the worlds of Narnia, Middle Earth, and the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem on Saturday, October, 6, 2012 on the campus of St. Vladimirs Orthodox Theological Seminary, as the school celebrates its annual open house and fall festival, Orthodox Education Day. This years themeInklings of Glory: Godward Journeys with Lewis and Tolkienopens doors to literary treasures with Judeo-Christian themes, including but not exclusive to: the works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, and the blockbuster movie and phenomenal book, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins.
What can crowds expect? Expert presentations about British authors Lewis and Tolkien and their influence on each others works; an icon exhibit of saints of the British Isles, with a special print display of icons by Sr. Joanna [Reitlinger], instructor of famed iconographers Fr. Gregory Krug and Leonid Ouspensky; an Irish dancer from the Inishfree School of Irish Dance; book discussion groups for teens, young adults, and older adults; a concert of sacred music; and a childrens activity tent, with games and handicrafts to keep youngsters happyplus fabulous international foods to keep everyones palate happy!
Services for the day will include Divine Liturgy, an Akathist dedicated to St. Anna (served in front of the weeping icon of St. Anna from St. Tikhons Monastery), a Panikhida (memorial service) for departed loved ones, and Vespers. As usual, our chapel and campus bookstore will be open to the public throughout the day.
Admission to the grounds is free, and a full program schedule may be viewed here.
Find St. Vladimirs Seminary on Google Maps.
Column on St Ignatius of Antioch
September 10, 2010
Here is an article on church history by Fr John Filipovich. It was written for a local papers clergy column in the Alpine, TX, paper.
New Land Purchase in Nicholasville, KY
September 10, 2010
St Athanasius Orthodox Church in Nicholasville, KY, has purchased acreage for the construction of their new church. For more information, please see this article from Central Kentucky News.